Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Chemo therapy results in reduced immunity to infections and due to this I spent most part of last 4 months confined to my room. This gave me a life time opportunity to be with myself. Sharing thoughts....

Simply Lean

Lean means 'waste reduction'.  Waste is defined as something which does not add value.  We can practice lean in our daily life, in our thinking, in our habits, making it a way of life. 

We are consuming the fuel of our future generations and leaving them a legacy of depleted ozone layer. Two third of earth is water, still usable water has become scarce. People are becoming obese due to accumulation of exceess fat. If we look around with this awareness, we begin to observe things filled with waste, things we don't need, things we don't use. It begins to pain us when we see precious resources being wasted. 

Waste clogs, it impedes the flow. First step is to define the values. Remember, whatecver does not add value is 'waste'. Second step is to identify all activities or things which do not add value and eliminate them one by one. As we progress in this journey, we can feel the flow getting improved, life starts rotating faster, it becomes more exciting and meaningful, we are no longer stranded in trafiic jam. This brings about greater transparency and path of continuous improvement becomes clearer on its own.

There is a need to become lean. The solution to our problems lies in following lean. 


  1. Lean is good. Anu, you are beginning to echo the thoughts of our father. He was a great believer in lean living ( this did not include food, though!. He practised '5S' long before it was popularized by Management Gurus (remember the kitchen masala rack!).

  2. Dera Sir,
    Great thoughts. In order to move faster, we need to first slow down and look around. We move so fast through our lives now a days that these issues do not come into our consciousness very often. As you have had an unfortunate sabbatical from the mundane daily chores, your reflections and musings are God sent for us.

  3. Dear Sir,
    Please edit your post to include Thoughts.... as the title of the post. Currently, the post is untitled and Thoughts is just formatted as a title.

  4. Many times when my wife shops I stay back in car. I keep thinking, surrounded by shops, how many things are here that I really really need?

    We live very simple and are very happy about it. Many have commented about that feel good factor when they visit us.

    My brothers have kept themselves away from TV and their children have focussed on something that adds value. I too delayed taking cell phone, internet as much as I could.

    As Gandhi ji said....anything out of place is dirt. Let us rediscover life once again along with children by keeping 'dirt' away.
